

Page history last edited by Instructor Teresa Pelkie 14 years, 6 months ago


History and Development of the Web

Class 1


PDF Handout:  class01_history_development_web.pdf

(opens in new tab or window)



This class will cover the steps that lead to the development of the Web, and the beginning of Web as we know it today.


The above PDF handout will cover the information in more detail. the videos will give an overview of the same information.


Overview of Web 2.0

Lets first look at some of the concepts involved in Web 2.0, so we can better compare it with Web 1.0, or the Web as it was.


Introductory YouTube Video: What is Web 2.0? - 5 min  

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How the Web Began

Although the Internet has its roots in 1969's ARPANET, it was not until 1990, that the World Wide Web was developedThe below videos show the history of the browsers, how the Web became a source for information, and ultimalely how we came to use it for commercial purposes.



Lecture Video #1: History and Development of the Web Part I - 10 min   




Lecture Video #1: History and Development of the Web Part II - 11 min   




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