Folksonomies, Tagging, using flickr
Class 4
PDF Handout: class04_tag_flickr.pdf
PDF Handout - Assignment 3: assignment_03_class04_tag_flickr.pdf
Lecture Overview
From the early days of ARPANET to Web 2.0, the Internet has changed. Yet, if we look beyond the technological developments, we will see one common trend: we use the Internet to acquire information. We started with structures directory systems and portals, then advanced to more sophisticated search engines. Yet with the vast amount of information, and different media formats, searching methods still could be imporoved upon. Now folksonomies are being used to organize and retrieve information using user defined "tags". flickr was one of the first Web 2.0 applications that used tagging.
Folksonomies are used to categorize Web pages, photographs, links and other Web content by using labels, called "tags," which are chosen by the user. The information can be retrieved later on by using these tags.
Tagging is giving a search term(s) or key word to a web page, photo, video, blog entry, or other Web content in order to make it easier to find. Tags are labels that allow users to associate information with particular topics
A Web 2.0 photo and video sharing application, now owned by Yahoo. Allows you to share, organize and search for photos using "tags", and to apply tags based on geographical location, called "geotagging".
Additional Video: Online photo sharing in plain English - 3 min
Lecture Video #1: Folksonomies, Tagging and using flickr - 7 min
Lecture Video #2: flickr and tags - 8:30 min
Additional Video: How to geotag in flickr - 2 min
Some great online video tutorials for using flickr and geotagging:
How to explore the map video:
How to geotag your own photostream video:
Great flickr tutorials:
There is an assignment to accompany this class, whihc is described in the PDF handout at the top of this page. You will be writing on the wiki page Tags and flickr.
This assignment should be completed in one week.
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