Podcasts and Video sharing
Class 10
PDF Handout: class10_podcasts.pdf
Assignment: assignment_08_class10_podcasts.pdf
Video Sharing
Video sharing refers to websites or software where users can distribute their video clips. Some services may charge, but the bulk of them offer free services. Many sites place restrictions on the file size, duration, subject matter and format of the uploaded video file. Video sharing is an incredibly popular and important part of Web 2.0. Creating video has become easier. There are many affordable devices available to capture live video and screen captures.
Through the usage of popular video sharing sites users can upload their raw videos as they will be automatically formatted, optimized for smaller file size, and be made available for the viewing public viewing. In order to share a video you copy some code embed code and paste it into another application or Web page. The video is not downloaded.
YouTube is a popular video sharing site but there are many others
Podcasts – A new way to distribute information
A podcast is an audio or video program that is broadcast over the Internet. The audio or video files are delivered to your computer by means of an RSS feed subscription. When you subscribe to a podcast, you receive the updates automatically. The file is downloaded to your computer so you can transfer it to a portable device. A podcast is similar to a radio or TV show that is broadcasted on a regular basis.
In order to subscribe to a podcast, you need to use an aggregator or podcatcher .This is specialized software that reads the RSS feed so it can display information about the podcast and download the audio or video file. The Web address of the audio or video file is contained in the <enclosure> tag in the RSS feed. The podcatcher also contains a player to view and listen to the files.
You subscribe to a pocdast, similar to subscribing to a Web feed - by copying the feed URL into your aggregator or automatically subscribing by clicking on a button.
When you open your aggregator, the software will check to see if there are any new episodes. If there are, it will download them to your computer. There are both web based and desktop aggregators. iTunes is probably the most popular desktop podcatcher.
Additional Video: Podcasting in Plain English video - 3 min
Lecture Video #1: Video Sharing and Podcasts - 10:30 min
Lecture Video #2: How to Subscribe to a Podcast - 10 min
How to embed a YouTube video on blogger - 1 min
How to upload a video to YouTube - 2 min
There is an assignment to accompnay this class
The assignment is attached at the top of this page. It is worth 20 points. You have 2 weeks to complete this assignment.
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