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This version was saved 13 years, 11 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Instructor Teresa Pelkie
on October 24, 2010 at 2:51:29 pm


CSIT 70   Web 2.0 - The Web's Edge 

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 Fall 2010, Palomar College, San Marcos, CA - Instructor Teresa Pelkie 



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This is a real wiki for CSIT 70, Palomar College, Fall 2010 with Instructor Teresa Pelkie. All students must register for an account in order to participate with this wiki. Please use your real name and follow the rules on the "Wiki Rules" page.


 Login is required to view course materials!  Guests may view classes on the SideBar on right.





Week 10 - October 25


Our Class_10   wiki page is now available.


In this class we will learn about video hosting and podcasting. In the next class we will learn how to create a podcast.


A podcast is an audio or video program that is broadcast over the Internet. The audio or video files are delivered to your computer by means of an RSS feed subscription. When you subscribe to a podcast, you receive the updates automatically. The file is downloaded to your computer so you can transfer it to a portable device. A podcast is similar to a radio or TV show that is broadcasted on a regular basis.


In order to subscribe to a podcast, you need to use an aggregator or podcatcher .This is specialized software that reads the RSS feed so it can display information about the podcast and download the audio or video file. Many blog aggregators, such as Google reader, can be used to subscribe to a podcast.


There is an assignment to accompany this class, which is due in 2 weeks!




Week 9 - October 18


Our Class 09   wiki page is now available.


We will cover a few other topics related to Web 2.0 in this class.


The midterm test is also available on Blackboard until October 25.


More information about the midterm is on our Blackboard site.




A mash-up is a webpage that allows you to take content from other sites and display them all on one page. It is a Web application that combines data from one or more sources into a single integrated tool or application.


Personalized Pages

Instead of preselecting what content will go on a Web page, it in now possible to let the user decide what they want to see on their own start pages or personalized pages. We can now pull content form a variety of sources and display it on one page. These pages can also include widgets.



A web widget is a portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilation


There is NO assignment this week, except to take the midterm test!




Week 8 - October 11


Our Class 08   wiki page is now available.


Microblogs - A New Form of Communication

In this class we will learn about microblogs.  Microblogs, such as Twitter, are similar to a blog in that you post information, but the posts are limited to around 140 characters. Microblogs have been a very popular form of communication in both the business and personal world. 


Uses in Education

Microblogs, such as Twitter, are being used everywhere and have many uses in education.


You can keep up with what is going on in the class by "following us" at




Assignment: There is an assignment to accompany this class, which is available as a PDF on the Class_08  wiki page. You have 2 weeks to complete this assignment - due October 25.



Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!



teresa@wwwsights.com / 760-749-0107









Orientation / Introduction to Our Class and the Wiki with Instructor Teresa Pelkie - 4 min video  




Navigating Our Class Wiki - 7 min video  - shows how to work with folders and files












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