


Compare Web 1.0 with Web 2.0


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WEB 1.0 was mostly static, read only and one way.  Web 1.0 was considerably informational and typically not dynamic user-generated content.  The majority of the early web was developed by technically proficient people.   The layout of web pages was based on tables to position content, GIF images and other elements.


Web 1.0 is also characterized by:


WEB 2.0 - the most significant difference is internet users have increased exponentially.  Secondly, improvements in technology allowed faster access to information.  The Dot Com Crash in 2000, beginning with the AOL Time Warner merger,  revealed the reasons why successful websites were able to survive the market crash -interactivity, personalization and customization.   In Web 2.0 anyone can contribute, produce content and create links between people and conversations. Information is shared through the "read-write" Web (two way communication) allowing more interaction between users and websites.  In addition, websites, browsers, search results, etc are personalized and tailored toward an individuals' interests.


Comparable Web 2.0 attributes include:


In spite of the pressure to commercialize the web, prioritize traffic, collect taxes, promote paid memberships, etc., both Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 share a common characteristic in that their use was and is overwhelmingly free. 


Although Web 1.0 was a slower, less high tech version of our internet today, you look back on it and find that it was more straight to the point and less distracting then the sites and information that we get from Web 2.0 today