Compare and Contrast Blogs and Wikis
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Blogs and Wikis are both collaborative Web 2.0 technologies, but have many differences. One of these differences are the number of authors. Wikis have multiple authors, while blogs usually only have one author. The authors of a Wiki can edit and make changes to the same page. The author of a blog makes a post, then others can leave comments on the post.
I agree with Desiree as these are both useful collaborative Web 2.0 applications. Blogs seem to be most useful in getting your information out there to the public. I see a lot of blogs out there with nothing commented on it which leads me to believe that it's not being accessed by anyone or that it is a read only blog. Are they going to the wayside or are the becoming obsolete. I can't really tell. I like the fact though, that anyone can speak their mind on information as they see fit, with or without criticism.
The wiki, I like because I can see how useful it can be when working on certain projects. It seems a little tedious when trying to access your document, but overall your fellow collaborators can work closely together without having to attach, download and send your documents. This would come in especially handy when working with deadlines.
I also liked this article on the fear of using Wikis. It addressed some of the concerns I had with making it a worthwhile tool in business.
Don't Fear the Wiki! Business Can Benefit
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