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on May 5, 2011 at 7:35:42 am


Twitter_Mashups - Class 10



Post the name and URL of a Twitter mashup or other mashup on this wiki page. Briefly describe what the application is used for. If you know which applications are the sources for the mashup, please lit them. You may upload images or videos to this wiki page if you wish.


Note: You can each create your own paragraph. You do not need to create a document together.




Digsby is a mashup tool that integrates all of your email, instant messaging, and social networking accounts into one easy to use platform. Instead of having to log into several different accounts and have several different web pages open, you can get to all of them in one easy to use application.

YouTube plugin error

Desiree DeChon

ThanksDesiree  - very useful and application that I was not aware of...  Nice job of embedding the video - Teresa



This mashup gets information from different sources around the world.  Displays a map of the world and highlights in orange the countries with breaking news. If you want to get news on a specific place just click on it on the map and it will take you to the most recent news events for that specific part of the map.

If you want to know what this site looks like here is a quick picture.

Omar Huerta :) 

Thanks Omar - very useful application - Teresa





Lets you make personal Invitations and send them via, text massage, IM, SMS, they have all different kinds of designs for every occasion. Easy to use and great for last minute party's or events!!!


Integrates APIs from Google Maps, Flickr, Plaxo, Twitter and YouTube.


Kristin Samarin

Thanks Kristin - very cool application - Teresa




This allows the user to shorten whatever url it is they are posting and then track how many times people clicked on the specific link. They can use this to determine which links were the most popular, and perhaps use this information in the future to post similar links because they know it will get the most responses. 

Daniel Lomez

Thanks Daniel - very nice way to track your tweets - Teresa


Wild Fires in San Diego County in 2007 



Mapping applications are available from several sources, including Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Mapquest.  In this video, the development of a mashup from KPBS is described which used the Google Maps application, a geographic database provided by SDSU, and information about each fire provided by several sources to graph the location and status of each outbreak and evacuated area.  Much of the work in this effort was manual.


I remembered this effort when my current employer (in the beauty industry) was interested in implementing "locate the nearest ..." functionality on its website.   We liked the "locate the nearest store" look-and-feel on Target's website, and decided to use the APIs and maps provided by Google Maps mixed with our own Marketing database in Salesforce.com to display:

  • salons (for consumers) and distributors (for beauticians) featuring our products -- with different icons identifying which of our product lines are featured;
  • trade shows and educational classes for interested beauty professionals; and 
  • driving directions to any location identified above. 


In our case, the mashup is completely automated, working off of SQL queries on the Salesforce.com database, generated by the API from input provided by the user (starting location, services desired, miles willing to travel, etc.).


Chris Merrill 

Thanks for this great video Chris. How interesting to see that you have first hand experience in the implementation of mashup. Looks like a great tool for the industry - Teresa




TwitterVision is a mashup that combines Twitter with Google Maps to create a real time display of tweets across the globe. this mashup is pretty cool in the sense that you can see exactly where a tweet is coming from. The mashup is always showing new tweets every second.


Another feature of twitterVision is a 3d globe that spins to wherever a new tweet comes from.

Michael Byrnes




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